organic chemistry 2.
like a sequel to the horror "Organic Chemistry 1". On thursday, we took the hardest test i have ever taken in my life. seriously. normally i dont really know whats going on, but i can look at the question and use my writing skills to formulate something relevant and end up getting credit for it. but this. i could've taken the test blindfolded and had the same shot at the right answers as i did with perfect vision and a brain.
needless to say, i ran about 7 miles immediately following that one.
all of my friends got into pharm school! i pretty much expected them to, but it's still exciting!!
and i think my phone has a virus again.
Note to self: when a number like 425 625 texts you something in Spanish, that isn't even grammatically correct, dont reply. or you will get a little devil that runs by the name "Slog Dump" on your phone. and he is sneaky. when you think he's left you alone is exactly when he attacks.
i guess its about time for a new phone.
off to salem...