6 more days!! Until I see my wonderful boyfriend!
5 more days!! Until I see my awesome dad, mom, sister, and doggggggg!!!
11 more days!! Until I see Ethan's wonderful family!!
Everyone always sets their facebook status about how awesome their dad is on Father's Day. I don't do that. My dad deserves statuses about him everyday, not just Father's Day. That's why I am writing about him today. I haven't ever met anyone that hasn't said something nice about my dad, actually I haven't met anyone that doesn't secretly wish my dad was their dad. I don't want to brag, but it's hard not to. I've never seen my dad get mad or angry. I've never heard him say a single word he shouldn't have. I've never heard him insult anyone. I've never seen him and my mom even have a disagreement. I've never even heard him raise his voice! I've only seen him do things I want to mirror in my own life. He's not an overly controlling dad, he's not controlling at all. He's always there for Ry and I, from when we were little dancing with him in the living room to "You are so Beautiful" by Bob Seger, to him gentley combing our wet hair after a bath, to never missing a single game (never complaining about going to a game either), to rocking us to sleep at night saying we'll never be too old to sit on his lap in the rocking chair, to brushing our hair Christmas Eve night while we're bawling about being an old maid at 18. He's surprisingly cool, just when you start to think he's let you down, he tells you he got your boyfriend a plane ticket to visit you. I'm going to be 55 years old and call him when I need a tire changed or another opinion or just someone to tell me to put my life in perspective. It's an amazing thing, I don't know how I got so lucky.
Now let me get my red eyes cleared so I can tell you about the past few days.
We went to the fabulous Storm Lake on Saturday. The water wasn't even iced over! We could actually get in. I was water skiing and I jumped over our wake into the clear water and then everyone on the boat starting making weird gestures to me so I looked ahead and saw these massive waves coming towards me. So I panicked, let go, and sunk down into the water. Somewhere in all that I messed up my ankle again, and am now wearing the brace. Hopefully for just a few days.
We were wading up to the beach and the water was about up to the bottom of our bellies. Apparently there was like a plateau of sand about a foot high that everyone was tripping over. But this isn't like white Florida skin purifying sand. It's like seaweedy, black, mushy, Tyson dump place sand. I decided I just couldn't make it over this plateau unless I was piggy-backed over (Ethannn!!). The only person who wasn't on the other side was my 12 year old cousin. So I hollered at her "Kenze piggy back me!" She laughed at first and then gave in and I hopped on. It was going well at first, she's pretty tall. Then just as we were stepping up onto the plateau, she loses her balance and face-plants, sending me down into the mush on my hands and knees. And that's when I decided to never make selfish plans again.
I had a very scary encounter with a herd of cattle yesterday. We got some chicken from Cargo and took it up to the cabin. Me, Grama, Grampa, Luke (my cousin), and his son Colton (2yrs old). So after we get done eating the adults are sitting at the table visiting while Colton is racing around the cabin. He pauses at the screen door for a long time, just starring up at the hill. Grama nudges me and tells me to go see what he's looking at. So I get up, peek over his shoulder and see about 50 mama cows with at least that many calves walking over the hill. I open the door and let Colton out. We walk out the gate and up to the edge of the cattle. Then I had a momentary lapse of good farmkid, good babysitter sense. One starts walking toward us so I stick out my hand and pet its nose. Then Colton starts mumbling about mamas and petting and starts wandering into the herd. I'm thinking about Ethan (still suffering from the lapse of good farmkid judgement) and start following him through herd. He's babbling like a crazy maniac so I kneel down to try and figure out what he was saying. After a few minutes I give up, look up, stand up and realize we are completely surrounded by a circle of 40 angry bellering mama cows. Umm problem. I look back down at the cabin and see Luke and Grampa standing in the yard. I quickly grab Colton's hand so it looks like I'm a decent babysitter. I honestly had no idea what to do. These cows are loud and not happy. Then all of a sudden they just start walking past us back over the hill. I grab up Colton and run back to the cabin. Grama starts hollering about how we're lucky to be alive. Grampa says he wouldn't even drive his truck through those cattle. Luke tells us there was a bull right behind me. He decided that I am definitely a cow whisperer. It's a theory, but one that I never want to experiment on again.