in approx 14 hrs i will be done with organic chemistry forever. well assuming i pass.
i studied for 12 straight hours today. i think i forgot how to walk.
i am hoping to make a 44. as in 44%.
my boyfriend is sick. and this time it is not my fault! he has a stomach virus and had to go to the ER at 2am. Naturally my phone was one silent all night and i missed all the commotion. i'm getting good at this girlfriend thing.
good news-only 2 more days.
bad news-im going crazy for ethan and its only been 24hrs since i last saw him. idk what i'm going to do this summer!!
On an exciting note.
I love his mom. Seriously. I've always wanted to date a boy who had a mom that was super nice and really easy to talk to. We went on a family camping trip with his whole family this weekend and his mom and i sat in bed talking until 1:30am! Which is crazy for me because i'll kick ethan out at 10pm so i can go to bed. I dont know what it is, but there is just something about this family. i wish ethan was like a decatuplet. so i could hook him up with nine of my closest friends, because i honestly dont think it can get better than this.