Saturday, May 29, 2010

Running faster than bugs can fly

Well roadtrip with dad was awesome! He talked the whole way! ;) Orrr maybe that was me, at any rate, we solved all the problems of the world in 8 hours.

We stopped in the sioux for the first time in 3 years. Umm weird. We pull up at a stoplight and at the same time we both go "this is weird." Its like as soon as you land on familiar soil, every memory that was ever made comes flooding over you like an unexpected blast of hot water. It was like we never left.

We went to Taco Johns in the mall! And then decided to stop by random haircutting places until we found my best friend. Thankfully she worked in the one right beside Taco Johns. Then dad decided we should cruise by our old house. As we're driving by, dad decides we should stop and say hi to our old friends. WHOA. Hold it right there mister. My dad wants to randomly drop in on old friends we havent seen in 3 years? Yes. That is correct. So we did and it was great.

Then we headed out to the farm. So far the first thing everyone has said to me is, "Lets see the don't take it off, its bad luck!" I don't need luck, I've got love.

The bugs are disgusting. Horrid. I have never in my 20 years of existance seen them this bad. But I figured out I can run faster than they can fly. Problem solved, I'll just run everywhere.

On our way into town this morning we were cruising along when all of a sudden. MEOW. "DAAAAAAD! I just heard a meow." So he pulls over, and we get out and sure enough, there's a kitten up under my wheel covering. Conveniently dad's hands are too big to reach up and pull it out. So I reach up there and snatch its little head and start twisting and yanking it. Finally I get it out and it's this little tiny kitty. I crank my hand back to chuck it into a cornfield (yeah yeah call peter or peta or peda or whatever the heck it is) but dad hollers "NOOOO we gotta take it back." Seriously, there are 40 where it came from. So we turn around and on the way back we hear more meowing. You have got to be kidding me. So I WOULD be setting up a kitten obstacle course for my fourwheeler, but Jack (my other boyfriend) counts each kitten everynight before he leaves. Kids.